NYC HAQ is the first multi-university quantum hackathon in New York City. It will be hosted on three separate campuses: The City College of New York, Columbia University, and the NYU Tandon School of Engineering. It will be an opportunity for students who are eager to gain a deeper understanding of quantum technology to roll up their sleeves and get their hands dirty with some real quantum programming!

Why throw a hackathon for quantum computing? A couple of reasons: In general, quantum computing research and funding has been gaining substantial support over the past decade due to its remarkable potential to solve very important problems, and we want our students to be better equipped to participate in this thriving ecosystem! More specifically, however, there are exciting things happening on each campus in the field of quantum technology, and we want to bring your attention to them!

Finally, this event would not be possible without the following partners:

SandboxAQ is an enterprise SaaS company focusing on the intersection of AI and Quantum technology. Formed at Alphabet Inc. and becoming independent in 2022, the company embodies a culture of innovation where free-thinking minds collaborate. Their approach aims to provide solutions to significant business and scientific challenges, shifting the way businesses compete in the future market.

SandboxAQ has been forging strong links between industry and academia to meet the soaring demand for quantum and AI-trained researchers and engineers. Together, we’ll ensure that graduate students and PhDs emerge with the real-world, practical, and relevant experience they need to apply to their academic endeavors, secure cutting-edge careers in the quantum industry, and create a more inclusive quantum ecosystem. Learn more about our Education Team.

qBraid is a leading cloud-based platform specializing in quantum computing. They provide software tools tailored for researchers and developers in the quantum field, granting access to advanced computational resources like CPUs, GPUs, and QPUs. With a focus on solving the problem of noise in quantum devices, qBraid’s platform is built on techniques validated by over 20 years of experience. Their commitment to innovation in quantum software development positions them at the forefront of exploring solutions to some of the most computationally intensive problems, including collaborations within the aerospace industry.

QWorld Association is a non-profit that unites global quantum computing enthusiasts and researchers. Its main goal is to popularize quantum technologies through collaboration with various entities, focusing on education and skill development. Activities are conducted within five departments: QCousins, which forms local quantum groups; QEducation, for tutorials and workshops; QResearch, fostering collaboration and student mentorship; QWomen, to increase female representation in STEM; and QJunior, aimed at high school students.